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Follow our 7 easy steps to make your own Herbal Infused Butter in the comfort of your own home!
- Home CannaKit
- 1 Oz of Herbs of your choice
- 5 sticks of butter
- Cooking pot or saucepan
- Spoon and tongs
- Preheat your oven to 210°F.
- Gather your Herbs and grind them lightly in order to create a large surface area. A magic bullet, coffee grinder or blender will do just fine.
- They DO NOT need to be ground to a fine powder!
- Once you have ground your Herbs, you can place them in your decarb tray that comes with your kit. Spread the herbs evenly in the tray so you cover a large surface area. Cover the tray and place it in your preheated oven. Leave the herbs in for 1 hour.
- Be careful not to leave the herbs in for too long because they might burn.
- Once the Herbs have been decarboxylated, place them in the cotton bag that comes with your kit. We found that the best way to do this is to tip the tray to one side and use a spoon to scoop them in.
- Place 5 sticks of butter into a cooking pot or saucepan and simmer on low. Once the butter is melted, submerge the cotton bag filled with herbs. Simmer on the lowest setting for 1 hour, stirring at least every 15 minutes.
- It is important not to overheat as the butter can burn. Keep it low and slow.
- Once you have infused the butter for 1 hour, you are almost ready to pour into the butter molds. Pull out the the cotton bag and squeeze any excess butter out of the bag with tongs. At this point, you can dump out the herbs and wash the cotton bag to reuse again or simply toss the bag and herbs all together.
- Place the spout that comes with your kit onto the cooking pot or saucepan. Carefully pour the Herbal Infused Butter into your mold. Lastly, place the Herbal Infused Butter mold into your refrigerator or freezer.
- Once it is solidified, you can substitute it for regular butter in all of your favorite recipes! Enjoy!